Projective Methods | Preliminary study on the standardization of the individual Zulliger test on non-clinical Italian population
Authors: Riccardo Caporale, Antonio Maccarone, Cettina Allone, Palmira Faraci, Giuseppe Craparo.
Projective methods are recognized as a core instrument in the description and interpretation of personality. The Zulliger test (Z-test) is based on the Rorschach Inkblot test, but it consists of only three cards. It has been mainly used in the collective administration mode and in the context of human resources assessment in organizations. The aim of the present study is to start a standardization of the Z-test on non-clinical Italian population, in individual administration mode.
Method: Sample was composed by 360 healthy subjects (180 male and 180 females, mean age 38.25), divided into age groups (18-30; 31-45; 46-60) and education (high and low). All subjects were administered the Z-test in individual form.
Results: Results show popular responses for each card, obtained by 17% of sample, and answers of statistical good formal quality, reported by at least 2% of subjects.
Conclusion: Although this study has some limitations, it can be considered a good starting point for introducing the Z-test into clinical practice. In future research the sample may be expanded, also including clinical population and detecting specific psychopathological indicators.